The Bi-Centenary of the Abolition of Slavery: A TRIBUTE TO Dr. THOMAS MASTERMAN WINTERBOTTOM (1765?-1859), physician to the Sierra Leone Company

Nigel Pocock, Director, Vision Training & Research A forgotten hero In 1859, Thomas Masterman Winterbottom died. He was 94 years old – the oldest doctor in Europe. Shops shut. The local Corporation and thousands of citizens turned out to mourn him. The Newcastle Journal, in its obituary, noted that Winterbottom was ‘as good a man …

It’s All About the Rice – The Sierra Leone/South Carolina Connection

A Visit to South Carolina By Melbourne Garber Since I met Joseph Opala and Amadu Massaly in 2006, when I was first really introduced to Bunce Island in Sierra Leone, efforts to preserve and stabilize its Slave Castle has become one of my passions. As I learned more about its history during the slave trade, …

Message for the Treaty Day Anniversary of the Maroons at Trelawny Town by Melbourne Garber

Chief Michael Grizzle, Mayor Glendon Harris, Madam Minister Kadija Seisay, Members of the Trelawny Town Community, Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you greetings from your brothers and sisters of the Krio Descendants Union Global family in the United States, Canada, England and especially from the parent body in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

‘Going back to my roots – one man’s story’ by Iyamide Thomas

In the Ghanaian language of Twi  there is a word ‘Sankofa’ which loosely translated means ‘ go back and get it’ and one Sankofa symbol is a swan like bird with its head turned backwards. In the African Diaspora, Sankofa has come to symbolise the need for an individual to reflect on their past to …